Finding Visual Meaning in our World.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

The Light Inside the Tunnel


As new, fresh light creeps its way across the horizon, a new day emerges. Yesterday's challenges begin to morph themselves into today's challenges, and before you know it, those morning rays become incessant reminders of our obligations - to ourselves, our loved ones, and the world.

And then it hits you: Can you ever start over? Is there such thing as a new beginning - a true "brand new day"?
The answer lies in the picture in this post.
Light is an all-pervasive force, making its way anywhere that allows it in. Yet, more often than not, its source remains obstructed or out of sight. While the light continues to shine and reach its destination, the source of its power - the sun - sometimes remains hidden by the clouds, behind the scenes.

It is this very fact of nature that can be translated as an essential tool for understanding one's life. We go through challenges and hardships, day-in and day-out. When we wake up, a little part of us almost expects there to be a renewal of sorts, an opportunity to have a fresh start at our lives. But we know this is not the case. We are simply continuing where we left off, building - or destroying- what we were the day before.

And this is a good thing.

One does not accomplish, succeed, and achieve personal excellence by merely throwing away anything which doesn't look promising, or starting from scratch at every convenient moment. Building a life is a process which requires the harmony and synergy of every experience and challenge we encounter, using every single aspect of our lives to propel us towards a given goal.

And until we realize that the past, present, and future are all just terms we use to split up our lives into a chronological sequence - and that, in truth, they are all one - a singular and unified set of events which are all interconnected - just like you, a human being, are one singular person, and will always be 'you' and no one else - then we will be able to truly grasp what it means to wake up, get out of bed, and continue the development of ourselves; what it means to live a life where every action is united by an integrity and a harmony, where every decision is the next rung on the ladder, rather than a random step in a random direction.

This is key to living purposefully, happily, and confidently. It is this perspective which wakes us up to realize that the light at the end of the tunnel - is really the light inside the tunnel as well. If we can understand that the distance we make between where we are and where we want to be is, in reality, all in our heads - and that if we would just open our eyes to see that the light does reach where we are now, too - the entire concept of a challenge becomes much easier to grasp, and the more we can view them as opportunities rather than obstacles.

And at the end of the day, the difference between the people who live fulfilling, accomplished lives, and those that do not - is the ability to realize the light that is truly surrounding us all the time, embracing us, and showing us the way.

(Photo by DR Photography,

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Dear Readers,

I really appreciate your support for my blog, and I hope that we can continue growing together for some time.

I just wanted to let everyone know that I now have a Facebook page for my photography brand, DR Photography, for all of you to enjoy.
On the page, I will post many of the photos I have taken over time, and will continue uploading photos in the future.

Here's the link to the page:
Please head over there now and give me a like! Remember to share the page, and tell all your friends about it!

Thank you so much!

- Dave.

Sunday, November 23, 2014

The Flow of Meaning: Life's Ultimate Dichotomy

There is a certain dichotomy in life with which we are all familiar: On the one hand, the individual events in our lives ebb and flow, wax and wane, come and go - but they never seem to really connect with each other in some meaningful, thematic way. However, on the other hand, when granted even only a few minutes to reflect on past events, and ponder their meaning, certain things begin to reveal themselves as common themes and motifs, big or small, which tend to permeate - and maybe even define - a group of events in our lives.

Are the events in our lives truly interconnected by some underlying dormant force, waiting to be discovered? And if so, to what degree is it our responsibility - let alone ability - to tie the events in our lives together?

In order to answer these questions, I will reference the photo in this post.

We have, what apears to be, some type of staircase. Yet, if one looks closely they will see that it is also little waterfall, a steady stream of water flowing down some stairs and into a pool.

At first glance, it is very possible that one could mistaken this staircase for a normal staircase. It pretty much resembles normal stairs. It's a bit blue, but who says staircases can't be blue?
Only upon further examination does one realize that the smooth surface is, in fact, a thin and steady layer of flowing water.

The stairs are, on the face of it, individual pieces which happen to be placed in such a way which form a staircase. But we know that someone built those stairs in that way specifically, to serve this specific function - it wasn't random. Every stair is there to serve those which utilize it to get to the next step, thereby rendering each stair a vital component of the general purpose of the staircase.

In this case, the beneficiary of the staircase is water, a free-flowing substance which is restricted only by the shape of its container or the mode of its movement. Therefore, it immediately conforms to the shape of the stairs as it makes its way down, thus providing the illusion that it's not there at all. Only occasionally are little ripples or bubbles visible on the surface.

Now, here's the explanation:

The events of our lives are the stairs - each of them a vital step to get to the next stair, the next event, the next experience. The synergy of all the stairs forms a cohesive picture, a common purpose. The same truth applies to our lives - every one of us has a number of themes or purposes in our lives which are defined by the combined meaning of  the things which happen to us.

But actually figuring out what those themes are is the difficult part - the meaning behind each event is hidden in plain sight - it's the clear water flowing over the stairs. Sometimes we get lucky, we see a little ripple or a bubble - the event's meaning is more readily accessible. However, most of the time, we have to look hard to notice a common theme flowing through every event in our lives.

But once we are able to see something - the entire picture starts to reveal itself. 

Once we are able to form clearer definitions of who we are and what purpose we are striving towards, we can then look into our past for lost meaning, and be better armed for future events.
We'll know what to look for, and we'll be more perceptive to discover even more - about our experiences, about our lives, about the world.

- PH

Thursday, October 30, 2014

A Canvas for the Heart - Understanding Physicality

As we all know, 'beauty is in the eye of the beholder.' The traditional understanding of this popular adage says that each person perceives beauty in their own, unique way. However, when we really think about it, life isn't an experience derived from mere sight alone. Rather, it is the combination - and cooperation - of all our senses, processed by the mind and deepened by the heart to form a wholesome and multifaceted picture. Therefore, it would only hold true that if one wishes to maximize the quality of their life experiences, they must tune in to their senses - both individually and as a group - and get in touch with the true meaning of what they are picking up. Only then will it be possible to bring meaning to our interaction with the physical world, instead of it being just a mundane and obvious element of our existence.

 Ultimately, we want to be able to bridge the gap between our souls and the physical world which surrounds us.

Recently, I had an experience which brought this concept to light - literally.

We were just wrapping up our little barbeque, when my friends and I savored the last few moments of a fantastic day at the beach. As the sun began to fell, a silence started to set in as the crashing of the waves subsided. A cool breeze fluttered against my bare skin.
Then, in what I perceived as only a matter of seconds, the skies illuminated into a glorious aurora of red, orange and blue tones, painting a breathtaking masterpiece in front of our very eyes. As clouds changed shape and moved across the sky, new colors started emerging, creating new medleys of vibrant hues every second. It was like watching an Impressionist painting being formed, stroke by stroke, detail by detail, color by color.

As this beautiful phenomenon unfolded before me, I could still feel the cool and sharp breeze whisking by my face, carrying with it the refreshing aroma of the sea. Accompanying all this, was the subtle ambiance of the relaxing, pulsating waves slowly rolling onto the shore.

It was a powerful moment. And all I wanted to do was capture it, take some of it for myself, and keep it stored forever in a safe place that no one can touch or see other than me. I wanted this experience to be - mine.
I knew that there was some deep message written in the patterns in the sky, communicated through the breeze, the soft waves, and the ocean's aroma.
I knew this experience had held some personal significance - it was trying to tell me something. I didn't figure it out then, and I'm still trying to figure it out now. But the point is that I was able to capture the experience inside myself. It forever lies in me, and will always be there for me to recall, reinterpret, relive.

That day, my senses, as a whole, were a Canvas for the Heart, vessels through which my feelings, passions, dreams, and goals can interact with the outside world. The depths of my soul were now the experiences of reality. The world around me and the world inside me were one.

I beseech all of you to take advantage of what you have - G-d bestowed upon us an amazing gift - the ability to sense. He didn't do this for no reason - He wants us to interact with the world around us which He created, so that we can draw personal and unique meaning into our lives. If we don't realize this, we will close ourselves off to an entire dimension of meaning, hope and inspiration. And possibly even more crucially, we will close ourselves off to an entire dimension of ourselves.

"The senses are our bridge between the incomprehensible and the comprehensible."
- August Macke
 - PH

Monday, October 13, 2014

Footprints in the Sand - The Other Side

Most of us are familiar with Mary Stevenson's poem "Footprints in the Sand." Her poem primarily focuses on guidance from G-d and seeking help from a higher power during times of need and distress.

However, this idea has a flip-side, which can also be expressed through the metaphor of the footprints in the sand.

Often enough, we feel relatively confident in our own efforts in life. We put in what we put in, and then we expect results - or, at least, some type of meaningful response to our actions. For every task or mission we do, big or small, we set a predetermined amount of personal effort we will need to put in, and once we reach that quota, we tell ourselves "it's out of my hands now."

But if we are really honest with ourselves, and we take a broader look at the patterns of our lives and our nature, I believe we will find that we more often than not set the bar a little too low for ourselves.
After all is said and done, we look back, and everything seems to be a mush - indiscernible, vague outlines of what we accomplished. The essence of what we did in the past is lost with the past, as the new cycles and rhythms of life set in and take course - designating all that wasn't preserved properly to memory, instead of preserving our past accomplishments as everyday realities.

Every step we take in our life - big or small - is a footprint in the sand. However, if we do not take strong, deep, and meaningful strides which really create an impression on the sand - that is, our life's big picture - then the next set of waves will come and wash those footprints away.

Our challenge as spirited and capable people, dedicated to ourselves and the world around us - is to make lasting footprints on the ever-changing beach of life. Because when we near the end of our stroll along this shore, and we take a moment to recall what we did, we should be able to turn around and draw a clear line of footprints all the way back to where we started - back to our roots, our childhood, and back to the very first steps we took in defining ourselves in this vast beach we call the world.

And perhaps, if we can create our own set of lasting footprints, G-d, too, can accompany us with His set as well.

I wish you all good tidings and good stridings.

- PH

Friday, October 3, 2014

The Violin of Idiosyncrasy

We are constantly in a battle. Whether we are aware of it or not, from the moment we breath the air of this earth, we are entered into a competition which will be the drive for everything we do. It's us against every other person in the world.
Everyone is trying to be themselves, but the problem is that we share a relatively small world, one that is rapidly growing and is less capable of supporting such a diverse group of passionate and driven individuals. There's just not enough energy, not enough time, not enough room. Therefore, it necessitates the masses to follow common trends and routes in life, in order to simplify and more efficiently manage the human population.

What does this mean for us? In a world like today's, and especially in the world that will be handed to our children in a few years - what will happen to individuality, and the personal escapades into our own, unique genius and flair - the ones which are key ingredients to developing truly great people?

What is the responsibility of our generation? What can we do to preserve the "me" of humanity, in order that it not be lost completely for our kids in the next generation?

I think the answer lies in the image inside this post. Take a look at the picture: Why is the musician emphasized? Why can we only see him clearly, vibrant and alive - while the swarm of other people just blur and fade out, as if they weren't significant in some way?
The answer is because this musician has accepted the challenge and responsibility upon himself. He realizes that the state of humanity may radically change, and wishing to preserve his individual spirit, he fights for the two things he believes to be truths in this world - himself and his music.
Standing in the middle of the bustling Shuk (market) in Jerusalem on a Friday afternoon, and NOT pushing his way through a crowd to pick up some dried fish or a bag of candies, and instead deciding to stop his world and play his violin - is his way of telling the world: "Don't forget who you are...and you, and you, and you... Never lose yourself in a mindless routine lifestyle, and instead locate that which defines you - and run after it!"

When we take a second to figure out - even vaguely - why we are what we are, and where we want to be, and not where society and its restrains want us to be - we can pave the way to the development of true excellence and greatness within us - which we can then feed back into our societies, ultimately benefiting everyone in it. It isn't about rebelling against anything or anyone - it's about embracing yourself while still functioning within the system you are given to work with.

You have a name. You have a fingerprint. And it's not a coincidence - it's a sign to everyone of us that we have something NEW and UNIQUE to give to the world. Now let's go find it.

- PH

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Bridge over Troubled Perceptions

Have you ever had a dream where you were wandering through an immense forest all alone, in search for something important? No? Well, me neither. But now that the image is in your head, I would like to indulge you, dear audience, with the microcosmic effects of our minds and imagination.

You see, the forest which our minds have now generated is, in truth, a reflection of how we perceive our life environment - the entire picture of our current struggles, past memories, and future aspirations all depicted as a single three dimensional space, in the form of a forest.

In fact, I believe that whenever we are stimulated to imagine ourselves within a hypthotical environment, we render that environment in a way which reflects our real-life perception of who we are, and the world around us.

So why do I bring this up?

Well, in this fantastically complicated and peculiar experience we term as "life," there exists a myriad of possibilities - most of which we are in full control of, due to the moment-to-moment choices we encounter. So, in theory, all we have to do is draw out some kind of general, long-term plan or route, and make our current choices line up with route we carved out for ourselves. Then, naturally, the clutter of every other possible turn you could make clears away, and voilĂ  - you're on your way.

But - we all know that there's something about this theory which never seems to work out. And I believe the reason why we can't expect to control our lives in the manner aforementioned, is because when we are placed in the vast, endless forest of life, we get caught up and carried away in all the possible directions we can go. The clutter of possibilities and options overwhelm our mental and emotional stability to the point that we just tell our feet to take us wherever they please.

This is why it is absolutely crucial for anyone who is even vaguely interested in clearing up some of that clutter and simplifying their trajectory to proactively influence what we see and what we don't - to render our forest only with the things which pertain to who we are, and our goals.

How does one do this?

Before setting off - before we make any final decisions about what we want out of life - we have to locate that one area of our personality, our character, our nature, which defines us more than anything else. Therefore, when we open our eyes, we will find that the majority of the things that are visible to us are only the things which will facilitate who WE are. As a result, the number of visible items will decrease rapidly, the clutter begins to recede, and our lives will rapidly start simplifying themselves.

In a sense, we have to find within the deep forest our "Bridge over Troubled Perceptions."

This bridge will allow us to traverse across the impassable terrain which is the countless number of life choices which do not need to bog us down. This bridge will provide a means to stay straight, face forward, and gaze ahead - ahead into the life of our dreams.

- PH