Finding Visual Meaning in our World.

Friday, October 3, 2014

The Violin of Idiosyncrasy

We are constantly in a battle. Whether we are aware of it or not, from the moment we breath the air of this earth, we are entered into a competition which will be the drive for everything we do. It's us against every other person in the world.
Everyone is trying to be themselves, but the problem is that we share a relatively small world, one that is rapidly growing and is less capable of supporting such a diverse group of passionate and driven individuals. There's just not enough energy, not enough time, not enough room. Therefore, it necessitates the masses to follow common trends and routes in life, in order to simplify and more efficiently manage the human population.

What does this mean for us? In a world like today's, and especially in the world that will be handed to our children in a few years - what will happen to individuality, and the personal escapades into our own, unique genius and flair - the ones which are key ingredients to developing truly great people?

What is the responsibility of our generation? What can we do to preserve the "me" of humanity, in order that it not be lost completely for our kids in the next generation?

I think the answer lies in the image inside this post. Take a look at the picture: Why is the musician emphasized? Why can we only see him clearly, vibrant and alive - while the swarm of other people just blur and fade out, as if they weren't significant in some way?
The answer is because this musician has accepted the challenge and responsibility upon himself. He realizes that the state of humanity may radically change, and wishing to preserve his individual spirit, he fights for the two things he believes to be truths in this world - himself and his music.
Standing in the middle of the bustling Shuk (market) in Jerusalem on a Friday afternoon, and NOT pushing his way through a crowd to pick up some dried fish or a bag of candies, and instead deciding to stop his world and play his violin - is his way of telling the world: "Don't forget who you are...and you, and you, and you... Never lose yourself in a mindless routine lifestyle, and instead locate that which defines you - and run after it!"

When we take a second to figure out - even vaguely - why we are what we are, and where we want to be, and not where society and its restrains want us to be - we can pave the way to the development of true excellence and greatness within us - which we can then feed back into our societies, ultimately benefiting everyone in it. It isn't about rebelling against anything or anyone - it's about embracing yourself while still functioning within the system you are given to work with.

You have a name. You have a fingerprint. And it's not a coincidence - it's a sign to everyone of us that we have something NEW and UNIQUE to give to the world. Now let's go find it.

- PH

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