Finding Visual Meaning in our World.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Tree Sap and Perpetual Motion

No, that's not a delicious drop of honey. Nor is it the tear of G-d (like you were even thinking that).
This is tree sap, the beautiful yet essential transport system used by plants to move nutrients throughout its structure.

I'll be honest, I would have totally not noticed it had it not stuck to my pants as I brushed by, causing me to spend the next 5 minutes or so trying to get it off. This stuff defines sticky.

But regardless, something about it struck me. It was this beautiful, golden substance, carrying precious materials to the rest of the tree. wasn't. The sap had stopped it's free fall along the side of the tree. It was frozen in time, unable to continue along its path and on to complete its intended mission. It yearns for a chance to restart, to release its stored potential and continue the process of nature and life.

The very same phenomenon can occur to our dreams.

In the previous post, I talked about how we all the ability to transcend time and conventional dimensionality by creating internal "environments".
But the other the day, a though came to mind which made me think about the other side of the coin: Why is it that sometimes we feel like we are stuck in an endless loop of routine actions, in an abyss of time with no context, floating through the expansive space of our life without trajectory or thrust?

Why do we tend to feel...unconnected?

Well, perhaps it's because someone tried to implement what I suggested in my last post, and now they're hopelessly stuck in a fantasy world where they are convinced they actually exist, only to lose their sense of reality in the real word, and it's all my fault. But I would rather not think that. And besides, that would be a failed implementation of my suggestion; what I suggested was to incorporate that perspective into our existing reality, not substitute it out.

But if we look closer into the matter, I think, more often than not, we will reveal the root of the problem, which I would like to call "perpetual motion."

We set goals. Then we make a plan. And then....we set off. Our journey to whatever we set as the destination has begun on its predetermined path. that it? Is that how we do things in life, how we get places, and expect to move forward?

Perhaps the reason why we feel a bit dazed and unconnected to our pursuits on a constant, moment-to-moment basis is because we are not continuously applying a constant feed of energy and motivation into our lives. We think our job ends once we make the plans and set off, but the truth is: Our job has no quitting time. If we are not always an active player in our own pursuits, goals, dreams and aspirations - even on a daily, moment-to-moment basis - then we cannot expect to get to where we want to be, at least in one lifetime.

This is perpetual motion.
We learn from the tree sap that everyone has truly beautiful - and crucial - things to give to humanity and the world. The world CANNOT go on without these things provided by each and every one of us, nor can it reach its full splendor without them. 
Therefore, it is OUR responsibility - as members of this group called humanity - to constantly be pushing ourselves toward our goals, and to never press the "Autopilot" button - not even for one second.

So. Let's do this. Together we WILL release the sap from its longing pain, and together we will follow through with our dreams and release them to the world.

- PH


  1. Physically, I think the sap may have gotten stuck because it came out of its conduit that was guiding it along to where it was needed. I think our disconnection occurs when we lose our guidance system. This is an amazing system that is able to include input from heart and head and all manner of synchronicity. But I think our guidance system must be connected to a real-time position locator to operate. Which is to say that, unless we are in a state which is open to the Now, we cannot be open to true re-evaluation, and therefore the guidance system is getting no real-time updates - so it freezes, it shuts down. The sap dries up.

    1. I think that is certainly true. In order to be in touch with ourselves, it doesn't suffice to just be able to imagine ourselves in the future. Rather, it is more how we perceive ourselves at this moment which will ultimately gives us the guidance to move us forward.
